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Cleaning the Jezebel: On the Relationship of Continuation and Derivative between The Reincarnation of the Golden Lotus and Jin Ping Mei
作者 曾世豪
Sequels of Jin Ping Mei in Ming and Qing dynasties mostly from the perspective of moral or pornography to look down upon Pan Jin-Lian. However, Lilian Lee as a female writer took a different approach to create The Reincarnation of Golden Lotus. In this novel, Pan Jin-Lian refused to drink Five Flavored Tea of Forgetfulness and reincarnate as a girl who named Shan Yu-Lian. She was haunted by the memories of previous life, read Jin Ping Mei personally and even dressed up in the image of Pan Jin-Lian. All kinds of coincidences are Lilian Lee's parody of the original. On the other hand, Lilian Lee also omitted Pan Jin-Lian's crimes of murder and adultery, and shaped her as a tragic figure. Through this transformation, Pan Jin-Lian was no longer evil or lustful, but just a poor girl who teasing by fate. Like Hong Kong, a city whose swing in the cession and return between China and Britain, she also roamed around different men without control. In other words, we can see the operation of predestination in The Reincarnation of Golden Lotus.
起訖頁 73-102
關鍵詞 《潘金蓮之前世今生》《金瓶梅》續書淫婦李碧華The Reincarnation of Golden LotusJin Ping MeiSequel WritingjezebelLilian Lee
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 201703 (56期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 魏良輔《南詞引正》「元朝有顧堅者」條評議
該期刊-下一篇 「林黛玉入府」的意義重探──歷史與神話學的解讀




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