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The Lonely Man in the Ridiculous World: On Shang-Qin's Consciousness of Existence and Death
作者 曾進豐
Poets who escaped to Taiwan in 1950s were abandoned in the strange and non-self space. Moreover, they suffered from the “White Terror” again in 1960s, which made the objective world full of strangeness and ridiculousness, as well as had the conditions and emotions of shiver, fear, absurdity and emptiness become common. Shang-Qin not only fails to break away from the circumstances of time but also almost becomes a model case of people existing solitarily. This article discusses the topic of Shang-Qin's consciousness of existence and death, and develops from three dimensions in order. Firstly, the poets' feelings of surreal existence and emotions of peculiar solitude are analyzed to grasp the origin of their death shadow and attitudes toward facing death. Secondly, how the poets look upon death, how they talk about death, and how they carry out the repeated debate on solemn or senseless death are discovered. Thirdly, this article strides over the fence of the reality and goes through the barrier of death through the path of dreams and poems. Finally, this article is concluded by Shang-Qin's aesthetic perspective on death, which not only convolutes the satisfying mindset of attachment but also reveals the dark and chilly hues of a gulf-like despair. It seems to contradict to the consciousness of death, but originates from the situational ridiculousness and the internal loneliness.
起訖頁 121-151
關鍵詞 商禽死亡荒誕孤獨現代詩Shang-QinDeathAbsurdityLonelinessModern Poetry
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 201503 (48期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 地方感與無地方性:南洋大學時期的蘇雪林──兼論其佚文〈觀音禪院〉
該期刊-下一篇 藏族史詩與史詩說唱藝人──阿來《格薩爾王》重述神話的民族文化意涵




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