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The Tibetan Epic and the Story-teller and Singer: the Cultural Implication from the Mythology Retelling of “King Gesar" by A Lai
作者 洪士惠
The King Gesar, is a Tibetan epic novel written by the contemporary Tibetan writer A Lai. Besides the description of the traditional epic mythology, A Lai embraced the narration regarding the contemporary situation of the charismatic epic story-teller and singer. One of the important features of this novel is the visuals, interactions, and conversations between the main character King Gesar, the hero of the epic, and Jin Mei, the charismatic epic story-teller and singer where both the characters were in different spaces. Starting from the epic era in deity, demon and human, and followed by the novel era in human, it is mysterious how the writer A Lai creates and keeps traditional Gesar epic and the charismatic epic story-teller and singer consistently in his own way, and highlights the issues of this age which he concerned and thinks about in terms of the plot of the novel. The way he does these is the focus of this paper.
起訖頁 153-187
關鍵詞 格薩爾史詩說唱藝人史詩小說GesarThe Story-teller and Singer of The EpicEpicNovel
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 201503 (48期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 荒謬世界的孤獨者──論商禽詩的存在與死亡意識




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