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Sense of Place and Placelessness: Su Hsueh-Lin--”Guanyin Zen Temple"
作者 蘇偉貞
蘇雪林(1897-1999)是在1964年9月至1966年2月跨境新加坡南洋大學任教,停留期間,以日記及小說敘事,紀實與虛構交相疊映南向星洲教學-文學-生活座標。相較蘇雪林此時期小說創作的虛構成分,日記呈現的「生活事實」十足疏離,反映了流動的窘困與無感,質勝於文,文學史的意義勝於文學價值。人文地理學者John Agnew認為地方(place)標示出以「經驗」為機制的主客觀空間感及時間感,Tim Cresswell申述地方對人們具有意義,主要由生活事實、生活經驗、時間組構生成,E. Relph進一步論證生活事實緣於對一個地方抱持真實的態度,可解為地方感,是疏離的對立面,形構了地方感(sense of place)-無地方性(placelessness)。以上論述地方感之式例,是本文探討蘇雪林南向星洲託寓日常生活發為書寫很重要的視角與依據。值得一提的是,蒐集整理蘇雪林南大時期海外發表的作品過程,意外發現蘇雪林刊於星洲《蕉風》雜誌上的小說佚文〈觀音禪院〉,小說出土,成為佐證蘇雪林跨境現象最具說服力的文本,擴大了1960年代文人南向南洲的參數。本文因此有意從地方感—無地方性角度切入,以蘇雪林作為文人南向跨境書寫的案例,進行探討,並兼論〈觀音禪院〉在南大期間發表的意義。
Su Hsueh-Lin (1897-1999) was invited to teach in Nanyang University from September 1964 to January 1966. During the period of time of her oversea, cross-country stay, her diary and novel presents the mirror images of kaleidoscope between reality and fabrication and also directs the location of humane geography. Her writing also corresponds to the statement of John Agnew, who indicates that “Sense of Place” and “Placelessness” stems from the subject/objective emotion attachment. In addition, in the process of composing this paper, I accidentally found that “Guanyin Zen Temple”, Su Hsueh-Lin's paper, with the pseudonym of Sea Cloud, is full of dialectical statement of legacy for literature and can be intertextualized with her diary. Both indicate her plight of under-appreciation and teaching across the foreign country in such age. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate Su Hsueh-Lin as a study of across-thecountry writing and the meaning of “Guanyin Zen Temple” published in Nanyang University.
起訖頁 93-119
關鍵詞 蘇雪林南洋大學《蕉風》〈觀音禪院〉地方感Su Hsueh-LinNanyang UniversityThe Chao Foon Monthly”Guanyin Zen Temple"Sense of Place
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 201503 (48期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 病釋應之與《五杉練若新學備用集》的相關研究
該期刊-下一篇 荒謬世界的孤獨者──論商禽詩的存在與死亡意識




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