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Related Studies of Shi Ying-chih and Wu Shan Lian Ruo Sin Shue Bei Yong Ji
作者 王三慶
This book is rudimentarily to study the rare reservation in library of Komazawa University, Wu Shan Lian Ruo Sin Shue Bei Yong Ji, edited by Shi Ying-chih in SouthTang of Five Dynasties, which was Sang Men Bei Yong Shu Ji, regarded long lost. Now discovered and announced, we can find there are three rolls of the book. In the roll one is remnant Fa Shu after Five, and the appended Jia Hue, roll two the funeral etiquette of monk and form of Shu Yi, roll three the initiation of monkhood, Dao Chang Zhai Shu and Zhai Wen, etc. That Lei Shu, Shu Yi, Fa Hue Zhai Shu Wen, and some monkish application documents are included is an important work. This article is rudimentarily to study and explore the importance of the author, time of the book, content of each roll and words quoted in other books.
起訖頁 69-91
關鍵詞 應之《五杉練若新學備用集》類書書儀道場齋疏文Ying-chihWu Shan Lian Ruo Sin Shue Bei Yong JiLei ShuShu YiDaoChang Zhai Shu and Zhai Wen
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 201503 (48期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 魏晉玄理與感文化之關係初探:從慧遠「易以感為體」論起
該期刊-下一篇 地方感與無地方性:南洋大學時期的蘇雪林──兼論其佚文〈觀音禪院〉




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