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Expunging Stale Words, Discovering New Ideas - The Research of Song Qi's Epitaphs
作者 謝佩芬
Most academic research on Song Qi focuses on his New History of the Tang Dynasty, or his Xikun Style instead of his literary achievements. This paper reviews and analyzes the unique epitaphs of Song, with an emphasis on Song's breakthroughs in stereotypical writing styles and the innovation of a new style. As important examples that show these features, the titles of his epitaphs rarely list the last most eminent official position of the tomb owner. Song does not mark the relationship between him and the tomb owner. On the contrary, his epitaphs mainly convey his review of the tomb owner's exploits, revealing his personal feelings. The preface of the epitaphs differs from traditional structures, emphasizing the traces of time, mixed with argumentations, dialogues, dialogues used as narrations, novelistic writing style, narration, flashback, and interleaving. Song's writings are not objective narrative works, but literary creations that contain the writer's emotions and creativity. The verse part of the epitaphs may follow the traditional four-character form, the three-character form, the combination of the four-character form with the Lisao style or a mixed form of four or five-character in each line. The forms of the verse are made to properly respond to the writer's friendly sentiment toward the tomb owner. All these writing styles have shown his awareness of innovation and change.
起訖頁 49-86
關鍵詞 宋祁韓愈散文碑誌文體Song QiHan Yuproseepitaphsstyle
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 201212 (39期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 凶事禮哭──中國古代儒式喪禮中的哭泣儀式及後世的傳承演變
該期刊-下一篇 豎義綴文,事詞錯出──論何良俊《語林》對《世說新語》文體的因革




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