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“Ceremonial Weeping for Unlucky Matters": Ceremonial Weeping in Ancient Confucian Funerals and its Transformation in Later Ages
作者 彭美玲
In this article, “unlucky matters” refers mainly to funerals. Ceremonial weeping is a form of ceremonial crying, distinctive from everyday natural crying which occurs during funerals. Based on the Confucian doctrine of filial piety and Chinese familial structure, traditional Chinese culture pays much attention to funerals. Some of the mainly funeral tasks include ceremonial weeping, which is often the main demonstration, funeral dress, a mourning period, and other funerary customs. As a result of different factors, it evolved into many variation and customs. Besides the introduction and conclusion, chapter two introduces the format of ceremonial weeping. In presentation, tears signify sincere mourning. Different tones of crying carry different meanings. Methods of crying are defined, some accompanied with words, others with gestures. Some other deciding factors include occasions, orders in the family, social status, and gender. There are even substitute weepers when necessary. Chapter three discusses the cultural value of ceremonial weeping. Weeping during funeral not only is a display of normal human emotions, it's also a formal custom and is defined by formal Confucian ritual. Chapter four discusses the changes of ceremonial weeping over time and compares the similarities and differences between ancient and modern funerals. The research findings include the following: 1. The ancient ceremonies of “settling the dead” and “controlled and scheduled weeping” evolved into the later versions of “Seven Weeks” and “One Hundred Days”. 2. In ancient ceremony, “Weeping in the temple” usually takes place after the funeral, whereas in modern times, the weeping happens after “Reporting to the Gods in the Temple”. The temple, in ancient times, refers to family temple, whereas in modern times it refers to temples for Gods. Also there is a remarkable influence of folk religions on funerals. 3. Women's role are not emphasized in ancient funerals, but they often play a major role in modern ceremonial weeping. This change suggests different thinking styles of elite culture and folk culture, and may have little or nothing to do with the differences in time periods.
起訖頁 1-47
關鍵詞 喪禮哭泣儀式民俗funeralweepingceremonyfolk custom
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 201212 (39期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-下一篇 刊落陳言,探出新意──宋祁碑誌文析論




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