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Upright Meaning in Literary Composition and Interplay between Affairs and Terms: He Liangjun's Yulin and its Innovation of Literary Style towards Shishuo Xinyu (A New Account of the Tales of the World)
作者 鄭幸雅
Yulin, completed in the 29th year of the Jiajing reign (1550) by He Liangjun (1506-1573), has carefully examined the structure of literary genres within Shishuo Xinyu (A New Account of the Tales of the World). It also makes corresponding changes and innovations to the development of Shishuo styles through the dialectical process between the text's linguistic and categorical encodings on the literal version. This article attempts to take the perspective of stylistics to concurrently explicate the narrative subject matters on the classifications and the prefaces of categories in Yulin. Also, with the aid of the instrumental usage of linguistics, it elaborates on the narrative pattern of He's Yulin to point out the transfer of dominants in literary genre, and to bring out the track of stylistic derivation in Yulin toward Shishuo Xinyu. He's Yulin aims to consolidate the substance of ethics to manifest the norms and historical conscience, therefore concurring with the stylistic features of Shi (affairs) and Ci (terms). Furthermore, this work takes the initiative to place emphasis on the pragmatics of Shishuo Styles during the Ming Dynasty, to echo back to the narrative purpose of historical treatise and biographical facts, which gradually keeps the stylistic feature aloof from being concise, thought-provoking, elegant and connotative in theme in Shishuo Xinyu - shifting the prevailing stylistic nature of “not being for the pragmatic purpose, but just for pleasure instead”. With the nature of changeable being, the derivation of literary genre in He's Yulin, falling into the same category of inner adjustment of Shishuo Xinyu, is somewhat a process of gradual change. And thereafter, the stylistic variation has led the compiling and writing of Shishuo Styles back to the historical approach for a good prospect of a new age.
起訖頁 87-114
關鍵詞 《世說新語》《何氏語林》文體學世說體經世脩德Shishuo XinyuYulinstylisticsShishuo StylesCultivation
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 201212 (39期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 刊落陳言,探出新意──宋祁碑誌文析論
該期刊-下一篇 狹邪、城市或世情──論《風月夢》的屬性




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