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The Related Research of China's First Chen-wei Specialty Collection Monograph: Gu Wei Shu
作者 戴榮冠
Ming Dynasty has an important position in China's Chen-wei specialty collection history. Such as Sun Jue's Gu Wei Shu and Yang Qiao Yue's Wei Shu, it has great influence on the development of Chen-wei in Qing Dynasty. However, there seems to be a discrepancy between the completion of these two books. The publication time between two books is related to the first Chen-wei specialty collection monograph in China, which is of great significance to the history of Chen-wei. Therefore, this research prepares to contrast the life of Sun Jue and Yang Qiao Yue, in addition, to clarify the published date of Gu Wei Shu and Wei Shu. Through the research, we could find the period of the first Chen-wei specialty collection monograph and explored the situation of China's Chen-wei specialty collection history in Ming Dynasty. Thus, We have been able to clarify a number of fallacies in past research and to complement the vacuous of Chen-wei specialty collection history in Ming Dynasty.
起訖頁 101-128
關鍵詞 孫瑴《古微書》楊喬嶽《緯書》讖緯Sun JueGu Wei ShuYang Qiao YueWei ShuChen-wei
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 201803 (60期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 論黃碧雲早期作品中的魯迅身影
該期刊-下一篇 我自做我之《金瓶梅》──張竹坡批評《金瓶梅》的演義思維




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