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The Shadow of Lu Xun in Early Works of Wong Bik Wan
作者 丘庭傑
Wong Bik Wan is one of the most important Hong Kong contemporary writers. She admits herself as a "Lu Xun's Fan"(魯迅迷), the literary relationship between two authors is therefore worth exploring. Some scholars mentioned their relationship in 2000. However, there is no further discussion on this topic since then. How is Lu Xun received in Wong's works? Lu Xun and Wong experienced different significant moments in Chinese modern history, how does Wong echo and response to Lu Xun in terms of Left-wing, historical and writing issues? This paper aims at investigating the relationship between Lu Xun and Wong Bik Wan. The first part of this paper focuses on the newspaper columns of Wong during 1993-1996, and the second part focuses on her novels Hell in a Thought (一念之地獄, 1992), City Lost (失城, 1993), Abundant and Sorrow (豐盛與悲哀, 1994) and Jiang Cheng Zi (江城子, 1994). The paper analyzes the influence of Lu Xun in these works according to three perspectives, including "Writing and Reality", "Hope/Despair" and "History and Individual".
起訖頁 65-100
關鍵詞 黃碧雲魯迅影響研究香港文學Wong Bik WanLu XunImpact studyHong Kong Literature
刊名 成大中文學報  
期數 201803 (60期)
出版單位 國立成功大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 彌補與脫節:臺、港《純文學》比較──以「近代中國作家與作品」專欄為主
該期刊-下一篇 中國首部讖緯佚專著──《古微書》相關問題考論




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