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Exploiting the Potentials of Multimedia for Foreign Language Education: With a Focus on Japanese Language Materials
作者 海野多枝
本文透過作者所開發的網路多媒體教材的開發實例,來探討外語教育中使用多媒體教材的可能性。 首先,本文透過與已經在外語教育中其它經常被使用的媒體樣式的差異,來探討特別與外語教育關係密切的多媒體的特性,並且確認多媒體除了可統合聲音、文字、靜畫以及動畫等複數的符號語言的特性之外,還具備可以更彈性對應學習者的多樣性或個人差異的特性,因此在教材開發的過程中需要與使用過去教育媒體的教材所不同的考慮。 此外,本文還探討作者所參與開發的網路語言教材『東京外國語大學語言Module』之中用來學習日語的內容(『日語Module』)的開發實例,並且在關於設計網路教材時所需要的檢討事項上,加上更具體的考察,並在最後提出今後的課題。
In this paper, I consider the potentials of multimedia materials in foreign language education by considering the web-based multimedia materials I had helped to develop. I first attempt to identify such characteristics of multimedia which are relevant to foreign language education by consolidating different types of educational media. I also point to the fact that some of these characteristics are advantageous for dealing with differences and diversity of foreign language learning. Then I describe an example of the web-based foreign language learning materials ('TUFS Language Modules') developed in the Japanese context with a focus on its Japanese learning content ('Japanese Modules'). I examine more concretely how the features discussed above are dealt with in the materials. I further discuss some more general issues of materials development for dealing with multimedia as well as make suggestions for the future with the hope that this case study serves as an aid to future development of multimedia materials in other contexts.
起訖頁 13-32
關鍵詞 多媒體外語教育日語教育教材開發教育媒體multimediaforeign language educationJapanese language educationmaterials developmenteducational media
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 200812 (16期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 日語在台灣的越境
該期刊-下一篇 中島棕隱的棕櫚詩──從中日比較文學的觀點談起




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