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Nakajima Sou-Inn<||>s Poems about Palms-From the Viewpoint of Comparative Literature between Chinese and Japanese
作者 朱秋而
近世後期(1779~1855)與賴山陽(RAI SAN-YO)並稱,同為京都詩壇代表文人的中島棕隱,又叫文吉,對棕櫚賞愛有加,更以棕隱之雅號廣為人人知。《水流雲在樓集》是詩人生前最後出版的詩集,書中吟詠「棕櫚」的詩作計有六首,內容如下:秋後偶訪平井宗七、時園丁修花欄、其間唐棕櫚一株、老幹丈許、健綠異凡。余賞之不已、宗七憐余棕癖、割愛而移贈、乃謝以一絕。(1)嘗將駑骨比幽棕 逸氣聊存老綠中 今日省吾堪共愧 新來美鬣一韋空自注:棕櫚一名鬣葵。喙棕櫚五首(2)嘗愛棕櫚種幾株 自珍斯癖古今無 請看健綠亭亭色 常免他人問莞枯(3)吐花非有苣蘭臭 結子亦無桃杏仁 灑雨揮風總閒氣 誰知爛漫信天真(4)休將品格伍芭蕉 勁直高疏有所超 卻笑輞川奇雪下 畏斯傲骨不勝描(5)老後貪癡縱有箴 何於野卉不從心 移栽屢累詩僧手 總下添成半畝陰(6)佛邊嘗自乞慈陰 高翠更資禪悅心 慣看露霜無染色 夙興每不戀溫衾。自注:錦莊卜築之初,詩弟子末了、祖球、崇玄、星洲輩各贈棕櫚數株二首及焉。本論文想透過和漢資料的仔細分析解讀,釐清素有「文妖」之稱的棕隱如何發揮其過人的詩人本領,而將原本不受中日漢詩文重視的素材「棕櫚」詠成清新動人的作品,並在江戶後期詩壇佔有一席之地。
In the late period of modern times, Nakajima Sou-Inn, named 文吉 as well, who had the same prestige and talent as 中島棕隱(1779-1855), especially appreciated palms. Both of them were the representatives of Kyto poetry school. 《水流雲在樓集》is the poetry collection which was published last in his life. There are six poems which depict and praise the palms. “I visited 平井宗七 by chance after fall when the gardener was trimming the fence. In the fence was a palm tree, which was about three and a half meters tall and extraordinarily healthy and green. I appreciated it deeply; therefore 宗七 pities me as a palm addict and gave up what he treasured to give me as a present. Thus I thanked him with a poem.” With carefully analyzing and studying the Chinese and Japanese data, this thesis is to distinguish how Nakajima Sou-Inn, who was named “literary enchanter,” developed his remarkable talents and how he used palms, which were not valued in Chinese and Japanese poems, as a new material to compose fresh and touching poems. Because of this, he held an important position during the late Edo Era.
起訖頁 33-59
關鍵詞 中島棕隱棕櫚漢詩和歌俳句Nakajima Sou-innPalmsChinese poemsWakaHaiku
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 200812 (16期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 外語教育使用多媒體教材的可能性:以日語教材為主
該期刊-下一篇 混合的身體──論《福爾摩沙》時期的巫永福




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