英文摘要 |
Rosch (1973) introduced the “prototype” as a theory of categorization. The same prototype effects that are evident in nonlinguistic categorization have also been described in linguistic phenomena. The purpose of this study is to compare prototypicality judgments of nouns that go with Japanese classifier hon by native speakers and Chinese learners. The data were collected by forced-choice preference tests. The subjects consisted of 70 Chinese learners and 86 Japanese L1 speakers. In the experiment, the subjects judged which of the paired nouns was the better example for the use of hon. The preliminary analyses resulted in several findings. First, both L1 and L2 subjects consider concrete basic objects more typical or better examples than abstract items. Second, substantial agreement occurs for exemplars that are very good or very poor category members, whereas there is substantial disagreement among the subjects for items with intermediate degrees of membership. Third, the L1 speakers’ prototypicality judgments are more distinct and widely spread out than those of the L2 speakers. Several explanations are postulated for these findings. |