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On Succession and Deployment of Rikunyo in Chinese Poetry–mainly describing the rural landscape in changing seasons
作者 朱秋而
六如上人(1734-1801)in Kyoto was the first poet to show his talents after the poem style turned into imitating the style of Sung Dynasty in the late Edo Period. He had friendly relations with his contemporaneous literati and refined scholars, such as the southern painter池大雅,the Confucian scholar那波魯堂, and the singer of ballads伴嵩蹊. He spared no efforts to assist the journey, and involved the Kansai(關西) poetry circles immensely. It is generally thought that六如modeled most of his poems on the three great poets, Fan Cheng-Ta, Yang Wan-Li, and Lu You in Southern Sung. Many traces of Sung poetry definitely can be seen among more than one thousand poems of his. Besides, there were other elements which made六如 the predecessor of the new style of poetry, This thesis is mainly about absorbing the poetry of Southern Sung, China. The theme of a large number of 六如's poems is related to the four seasons. This is obviously influenced by Fan Cheng-Ta's “The Sixty Poems of Idyllic Fun.” By carefully analyzing the scene and objects depicted in the poems, for example, the sound of the pheasant, earth pen, mature eggplants, the shell of the pomegranate, and deserted calendar, those ere not commonly seen in China. However these elements.
起訖頁 105-122
關鍵詞 和歌俳句野雉土筆老茄榴殼WakaHaikuwild pheasantearth penmature eggplant the shell of the pomegranate
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 200406 (6期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 〈源氏退居須磨記〉對中國史書及文學的受容
該期刊-下一篇 山鹿素行之「聖學」與「士道」




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