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Yamage-sokou`s Seigaku and Shido
作者 劉長輝
In summer 1615. The Osaka Battle ended. Japan, eventually, began to have its stability after the period of chaotic battles. With the change of time, all those soldiers, once actively involved in battle fields, had to find a new role in a new era at the time they took off their armors. Under the needs of time background and circumstances, soldiers were re-identified to be feudality in the society. They were also, meanwhile, given the concept of Shido (士道, the moral principles and disciplines that Japanese Samurais observed) and returned back to the stage of Japanese history. In the very beginning of recent Japan, Shido was proposed and spread wide over. It attempted to endow soldiers a new social identity to fit in the new era. Among the greatest Japanese thinkers, Yamaga-sokou (1622~1685, shortened as Sokou in the following pages) kept the detailed contents about Shido in (Yamaga Gorui, V. 21, Shido). Moreover, the base of Shido has come from the traditional concept of Seigaku (聖學, the original Confucianism). The purpose of this paper is to discuss the correlation between Shidoand Seigaku. The first chapter focuses on the clarification of the boundary line between Shido and Seigaku. The second chapter describes Sokou's idea towards Humanism in Seigaku and the relationship with Prescriptivism. The third chapter is discussing structural relationship between Shido and Seigaku. The fourth chapter analyzes the theoretical combination.
起訖頁 123-153
關鍵詞 聖學士道武士道人性規範主義SeigakuShidoBushidoHumanityPrinciples and Disciplines
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 200406 (6期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 論六如上人在漢詩上的繼承與開拓──以季節景物描寫為中心
該期刊-下一篇 隱元禪師與黃檗文化的東傳




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