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The creative method of allusion on the remarrid virtuous woman~The method of fiction on the 1st chapter in "Yamato-Monogatari"~
作者 齋藤正志
“Yamato-Monogatari” belongs to a narratives of Japanese classics in the Heian period. This text consists of little stories, 173 chapters. The 1st chapter in “Yamato-Monogatari” is a story of the abdicated 59th Emperor Uda and Ise, Ise was a poetess and a private servant of Uda's Empress and Uda's sweetheart. I interpreted the story as Ise's poem for reluctant to part from Uda and Uda's poem for request to her re-employment in Heian Court, but really, his request was a change of his son's sweetheart, his son who became new Emperor, the 60th Emperor Daigo. By the way, the life of ”Wang Zhao-jun” in the Han dynasty was full of tragedy. Especially, her tragedy of “the story of Xiong-nu” in “Han-shu” was lost her husband who was King of Xiong-nu, and remarried his son who became new King of Xiong-nu. Now, I regard the 1st chapter in “Yamato-Monogatari” as the allusion of the tragedy of “Wang Zhao-jun”. I regard these stories as a tale-type of “the remarried virtuous woman”. But really, Ise didn’t change of Daigo's sweetheart in the historical fact. So that, the 1st chapter in “Yamato-Monogatari” is afiction. In brief, its narrative made from the creative method of allusion and the method of fiction.
起訖頁 191-214
關鍵詞 貞女再嫁暗示引用王昭君引用引用創造虛構方法the remarrid virtuous womanallusionallusion of 'Wang Zhao-jun'the creative method of allusionthe method of fiction
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 200312 (5期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 外來語混種詞之和語‧漢語成分──翻譯混種詞與和製混種詞之比較研究
該期刊-下一篇 副詞子句接續形式的下位分類




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