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The Word Formation of Gailaigo Hybrids: Comparative Analysis of Wago and Kango Constituents
作者 林慧君
Japanese lexicon is comprised of three major categories: Wago (native Japanese 和語 ), Kango (Sino-Japanese 漢語 ), and Gailaigo (loanwords 外來語 ). This paper examines how Wago and Kango constituents play different roles in loan translation and coinage as far as the formation of Gailaigo hybrid is concerned. My research shows that first, while Kango constituents demonstrate strong capacity for compounding with Gailaigo in both loan translation and coinage, Wago constituents function mainly in the latter. Second, when compounded with one unit of Gailaigo, Kango and Wago also show different patterns. A complex base of Kango constituents generally exhibits higher compounding capacity or tendency than when it is a single base, while the Wago constituents do the opposite. This suggests that if one unit of Gailaigo constituent equals two units of Kango constituents (as many others have asserted), then we may also assume that one unit of Gailaigo constituent is equivalent to one unit of Wago constituent. Last but not the least, for the Gailaigo hybrid representing nominal classification, if it is compounded by the rule of loan translation, the last element of the hybrid tends to be a Kango constituent, but no such tendency is found if it is a case of coinage.
起訖頁 163-190
關鍵詞 構詞外來語翻譯混種詞和製混種詞word formationGailaigohybridload translationcoinagethe
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 200312 (5期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 戀的男人‧渴望被愛的男人──「私小說」戀愛觀的問題點
該期刊-下一篇 貞女再嫁的引用創造──大和物語初段的虛構方法




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