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A Cognitive Linguistic Analysis of Major Theories Applied on Metaphorical Issues Resulting from Synecdoche`s Distinction from Metonymy
作者 謝豐地正枝
關於將某種比喻表現基於何種理論基礎分類為提喻或換喻,在本論文中,與主要比喻表現相關的各種理論、學說,言明依據各別理論的理論性證據之後分析研究的結果,明確指出贊同佐藤學說、楠見學說的立場。又,將依據提喻的「花」和「桜」間存再之意義關係形成的「花は桜だ」這種提喻表現之概念,以印象略圖(image schema)來表示。此外,將「花は桜だ」這種以提喻表現的概念,形成「花は桜吹雪だ」這種新概念而向隱喻表現轉變的變化過程,以佐藤說、楠見說及認知意義論的觀點來研究,並明確地以表顯示。結論指出,提喻與換喻,或提喻與隱喻,即使沒有完全的意義關係,在意義性關係上亦可找出連續的可能性。
This study intends to analyze and provide comparative discussion of similarities and differences of definitions, theories and paradigms as presented by major linguists including R. Jakobson, the Group Ц, G. Lakoff, E.Kittay, Nakamura, Sato, and Kusumi. Moreover, this research analyzes whether a certain metaphorical expression should be classified as synecdoche or as metonymy, and analyzes in depth the Group Ц's theory which advocates that synecdoche forms the fundamental basis for other metaphorical expressions including metaphor and metonymy. The Group Ц's theory identifies two different types of synecdoche— II type and Σ type. However, upon examining the Group Ц's theory, shortcomings become evident, in particular being unable to clarify the theoretical reasons for II type classification as synecdoche. Based on both the Sato's theory and Kusumi's theory, the II type should be classified as metonymy, and this study supports their theories of classifying the II type synecdoche as metonymy. Prior to conclusive statements, a detailed comparative analysis is presented on the differences of semantic structures supporting “part-- whole” relationship as shown in one pair forming synecdoche and the other pair forming metonymy. Conclusions propose that metonymic shifts of meaning can occur between words which have either paradigmatic or syntagmatic relationships. Synecdoche, -- a type of metonymic transfer, supported by semantic relationship of taxonomy in semantic field -- involves the paradigmatic relation of “ part-whole.” Yet metonymy, is supported by the relationship of “ part-whole” considered as hyponymy. Moreover, this study observes how one pair forming synecdoche expression shifts its meaning and forms into a new metaphorical expression, and thus concludes that synecdoche may also involve moving from one semantic field to another, such as the field of metaphor occuring by means of some polysemy on the part of the word which serves as a bridge.
起訖頁 83-112
關鍵詞 提喻換喻印象略圖包攝關係意義構造image schemasynecdochemetonymyimage schemahyponymysemanticstructure
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 200312 (5期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 試論『三四郎』──漱石漢詩中「雲彩」之重現
該期刊-下一篇 日語動詞分類及其限界性




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