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Preliminary view of the Clouds in Sanshiro–Roles of the figurative Clouds in Soseki`s Chinese poetry
作者 范淑文
Studies on the “Clouds” in Sanshiro are usually from Mineko's perspective. However, this essay emphasizes not only Mineko's viewpoint but also Sanshiro's. We will see the subtexts and the functions of “clouds” and “sky” in this novel by examining Mineko's interaction and Sanshiro's gradual change of his state of mind. “Clouds” is always the topic in Soseki's Chinese poetry. He, influenced by Chinese poets like Wan-we, Li-bai, etc., usually regards “clouds” as the object he devotes to and as the symbol of Utopia. So, this essay compares and contrasts the meanings of “clouds” in Soseki's early Chinese poems and Sanshiro. That Mineko, a new woman and joiner among the educated, gazes in the heaven and on the clouds symbolizes the ideas of devoting oneself to the isolated cloud and indulging oneself in Utopia in Chinese poetry. In the late part of the novel, Sanshiro, influenced by Mineko, changes and so does Mineko, that is, Mineko no longer gazes on the clouds, but Sanshiro, on the contrary, does. Gazing on the clouds reminds Sanshiro of Mineko, because which is the memory both of them shared. Sanshiro who is from country grows a lot by gazing on the clouds. And, “clouds,” the symbol of devotion and ideal world, is the same as those in Chinese poetry and it refers to the thing that Sanshiro and Mineko have in common.
起訖頁 51-81
關鍵詞 雲彩理想國凝視撫平內心傷痛cloudsUtopiaGazingAppease
刊名 台大日本語文研究  
期數 200312 (5期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學日本語文學系
該期刊-上一篇 秋成在〈白峰〉中的翻改技巧及排儒黜佛論
該期刊-下一篇 對提喻分類法之認知意義論研究




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