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Do We Lose When Being Serious?-- Change in Meaning of the Word 'Renzen(認真)' in Corpora
作者 陳蓓怡鍾曉芳
不僅是網路流行用語「認真你就輸了」,「認真」一詞亦被廣泛地與其他字詞搭配使用,此語言現象突顯了臺灣網友對「認真」一詞的偏愛。針對「認真」一詞,字典已有如「切實/確實」、「嚴肅」且「不隨便的」的文字定義,而本研究試圖尋找出語言的真實使用情形(authentic language use)與字典定義有何差異,以及「認真」一詞在網路文字討論中有何使用上的不同。為了比較正式書寫上的文字與線上討論時所使用的文字在否定語氣(negative tone)、搭配詞(collocation)與內涵(connotation)方面的差別,本研究以「認真」一詞作為關鍵字,分析中央研究院漢語平衡語料庫與C0PENS之中文文字語料,而研究結果顯示出本為正面的「認真」一詞逐漸帶有負面的內涵與色彩,但臺灣網友對「認真」一詞之使用仍意見分歧。另有相反之語言使用走向,即越來越少人以「認真你就輸了」回應他人,卻依舊頻繁地單獨使用「認真」一詞。另外,人們仍對其所認定為重要之事表明認真的態度,即使是一般而言較不受重視的事情,認真仍是不變的態度。
From the Internet slang '認真你就輸了(You'll lose if being serious)' to a wide variety of collocations with the word '認真(being serious)', the Internet users in Taiwan show a preference to the word '認真.' While the dictionary definitions of this word have included 'being practical', 'being serious', and 'not being careless,' this study aims to bridge the gap between dictionary and authentic language use, and see how this word is differently used during online text discussion. Written Mandarin corpora Sinica Corpus and COPENS are selected as the analysis data for comparison between formal written texts and online discussion texts in terms of the negative tone in a sentence, collocations, and connotations. The results show that Taiwanese Internet users have divided opinions about whether to restrict the word to a positive connotation, or impose a negative connotation on this word. However, although the slang is less seen on the Internet, the word '認真' is still frequently used. This study concludes that people try to convey the message that they can take whatever they think important serious regardless of the conventions, and still hold onto a serious attitude.
起訖頁 52-81
關鍵詞 認真線上文字討論COPENS否定語氣搭配詞內涵online text discussionCOPENSnegative tonecollocationconnotation
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2016 (2016期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 基於詞語分布均勻度的核心詞彙選擇之研究
該期刊-下一篇 Crowdsourcing Experiment Designs for Chinese Word Sense Annotation




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