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Automatic Sung Lyrics Verification
作者 孔祥勳馬勤皓沈信甫蕭博元蔡偉和
This study proposes a sung lyrics verification system for detecting if the lyrics sung by a performer are incorrect and further pointing out the potential mistake that the performer made. In essence, sung lyrics verification is similar to the problem of speech utterance verification in the speech recognition research community, and therefore the techniques in the letter can be applied to the former. However, our preliminary experiment found that a speech utterance verification system cannot handle singing data well, mainly because of the significant differences between singing and speech. To tackle this problem, we develop two strategies, respectively, from a signal processing perspective and from a model processing perspective. In the signal processing, recognizing that the vowels are often lengthened during singing, we propose vowel shrinking and vowel decimation to adjust the length of a vowel in singing to a normal length in speaking. In the model processing, we include a duration model concept in the acoustic modeling to reduce the differences between singing and speech. Our experiments show that the proposed methods can improve the performance of the sung lyrics verification to 72% and 90% accuracy using vowel shrinking, vowel decimation, and duration model approach, respectively, compared to 63% accuracy obtained with the baseline speech utterance verification system.
起訖頁 35-48
關鍵詞 唱詞確認語句確認母音壓縮母音裁剪Singing EvaluationSung Lyrics VerificationVowel ShrinkingVowel DecimationDuration Model
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2016 (2016期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 「V到」結構的合分詞及語意區分
該期刊-下一篇 基於詞語分布均勻度的核心詞彙選擇之研究




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