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Associating Collocations with WordNet Senses Using Hybrid Models
Associating Collocations with WordNet Senses Using Hybrid Models
作者 陳怡君 (Yi-Chun Chen)Tzu-Xi Yen (Tzu-Xi Yen)Jason S. Chang
In this paper, we introduce a hybrid method to associate English collocations with sense class members chosen from WordNet. Our combinational approach includes a learning-based method, a paraphrase-based method and a sense frequency ranking method. At training time, a set of collocations with their tagged senses is prepared. We use the sentence information extracted from a large corpus and cross-lingual information to train a learning-based model. At run time, the corresponding senses of an input collocation will be decided via majority voting. The three outcomes participated in voting are as follows: 1. the result from a learning-based model; 2. the result from a paraphrase-based model; 3. the result from sense frequency ranking method. The sense with most votes will be associated with the input collocation. Evaluation shows that the hybrid model achieves significant improvement when comparing with the other method described in evaluation time. Our method provides more reliable result on associating collocations with senses that can help lexicographers in compilation of collocations dictionaries and assist learners to understand collocation usages.
起訖頁 47-60
關鍵詞 超語意標示搭配詞分類詞彙語意解歧詞網最佳熵值模型重述supersense taggingcollocation classificationword sense disambiguationWordNetmaximum entropy modelParaphrase
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2012 (2012期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 英文介系詞片語定位與英文介系詞推薦
該期刊-下一篇 Measuring Individual Differences in Word Recognition: The Role of Individual Lexical Behaviors




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