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Measuring Individual Differences in Word Recognition: The Role of Individual Lexical Behaviors
Measuring Individual Differences in Word Recognition: The Role of Individual Lexical Behaviors
作者 Hsin-Ni Lin (Hsin-Ni Lin)Shu-Kai HsiehShiao-Hui Chan (Shiao-Hui Chan)
This study adopts a corpus-based computational linguistic approach to measure individual differences (IDs) in visual word recognition. Word recognition has been a cardinal issue in the field of psycholinguistics. Previous studies examined the IDs by resorting to test-based or questionnaire-based measures. Those measures, however, confined the research within the scope where they can evaluate. To extend the research to approximate to IDs in real life, the present study undertakes the issue from the observations of experiment participants'daily-life lexical behaviors. Based on participants'Facebook posts, two types of personal lexical behaviors are computed, including the frequency index of personal word usage and personal word frequency. It is investigated that to what extent each of them accounts for participants'variances in Chinese word recognition. The data analyses are carried out by mixed-effects models, which can precisely estimate by-subject differences. Results showed that the effects of personal word frequency reached significance; participants responded themselves more rapidly when encountering more frequently used words. People with lower frequency indices of personal word usage had a lower accuracy rates than others, which was contrary to our prediction. Comparison and discussion of the results also reveal methodology issues that can provide noteworthy suggestions for future research on measuring personal lexical behaviors.
起訖頁 61-74
關鍵詞 individual differenceslexical behaviorsword recognitioncomputational linguistic approachnaturalistic data
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2012 (2012期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 Associating Collocations with WordNet Senses Using Hybrid Models
該期刊-下一篇 遞回式類神經網路語言模型應用額外資訊於語音辨識之研究




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