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Attachment of English Prepositional Phrases and Suggestions of English Prepositions
作者 蔡家琦劉昭麟
This paper focuses on problems of attachment of prepositional phrases (PPs) and problems of prepositional suggestions. We transform the problems of PPs attachment and prepositional suggestions into an abstract model, and apply the same computational procedures to solve these two problems. The common model features four headwords, i.e., the verb, the first noun, the preposition, and the second noun in the prepositional phrases. Our methods consider the semantic features of the headwords in WordNet to train classification models, and apply the learned models for tackling the attachment and suggestion problems. This exploration of PP attachment problems is special in that only those PPs that are almost equally possible to attach to the verb and the first noun were used in the study. The proposed models consider only four headwords to achieve satisfactory performances. This study reconfirms that semantic information is instrument for both PP attachment and prepositional suggestions.
起訖頁 32-46
關鍵詞 語義分析機器翻譯文本校對 semantic analysismachine translationtext proofreading
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2012 (2012期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 領域相關詞彙極性分析及文件情緒分類之研究
該期刊-下一篇 Associating Collocations with WordNet Senses Using Hybrid Models




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