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A Semantic Composition Method for Deriving Sense Representations of Determinative-Measure Compounds in E-HowNet
A Semantic Composition Method for Deriving Sense Representations of Determinative-Measure Compounds in E-HowNet
作者 Chia-Hung Tai (Chia-Hung Tai)Shu-Ling Huang (Shu-Ling Huang)Keh-Jiann Chen (Keh-Jiann Chen)
In this paper, we take Determinative-Measure Compounds as an example to demonstrate how the E-HowNet semantic composition mechanism works in deriving the sense representations for all determinative-measure (DM) compounds which is an open set. We define the sense of a closed set of each individual determinative and measure word in E-HowNet representation exhaustively. We then make semantic composition rules to produce candidate sense representations for any newly coined DM. Then we review development set to design sense disambiguation rules. We use these heuristic disambiguation rules to determine the correct context-dependent sense of a DM and its E-HowNet representation. The experiment shows that the current model reaches 88% accuracy in DM identification and sense derivation.
起訖頁 1-20
關鍵詞 語意合成定量複合詞語意表達廣義知網知網Semantic CompositionDeterminative-Measure CompoundsSense RepresentationsExtended How NetHow Net
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2008 (2008期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 Measuring Text Readability by Lexical Relations Retrieved from WordNet
該期刊-下一篇 A Thesaurus-Based Semantic Classification of English Collocations




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