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A Thesaurus-Based Semantic Classification of English Collocations
A Thesaurus-Based Semantic Classification of English Collocations
作者 Chung-Chi Huang (Chung-Chi Huang)Chiung-Hui Tseng (Chiung-Hui Tseng)Kate H. Kao (Kate H. Kao)Jason S. Chang (Jason S. Chang)
We propose a new method for organizing the numerous collocates into semantic thesaurus categories. The approach introduces a thesaurus-based semantic classification model automatically learning semantic relations for classifying adjective-noun (A-N) and verb-noun (V-N) collocations into different categories. Our model uses a random walk over weighted graph derived from WordNet semantic relation. We compute a semantic label stationary distribution via an iterative graphical algorithm. The performance for semantic cluster similarity and the conformity of semantic labels are both evaluated. The resulting semantic classification establishes as close consistency as human judgments. Moreover, our experimental results indicate that the thesaurus structure is successfully imposed to facilitate grasping concepts of collocations. It might improve the performance of the state-of-art collocation reference tools.
起訖頁 1-15
關鍵詞 CollocationsSemantic classificationSemantic relationsRandom walk algorithmMeaning access index
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2008 (2008期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 A Semantic Composition Method for Deriving Sense Representations of Determinative-Measure Compounds in E-HowNet
該期刊-下一篇 以Fujisaki模型驗證連續語流中字調及韻律詞對應於階層性韻律架構HPG的意義




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