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Measuring Text Readability by Lexical Relations Retrieved from WordNet
Measuring Text Readability by Lexical Relations Retrieved from WordNet
作者 Shu-Yen Lin (Shu-Yen Lin)Cheng-Chao Su (Cheng-Chao Su)Yu-Da Lai (Yu-Da Lai)Li-Chin Yang (Li-Chin Yang)Shu-Kai Hsieh (Shu-Kai Hsieh)
Current readability formulae have often been criticized for being unstable or not valid. They are mostly computed in regression analysis based on intuitively-chosen variables and graded readings. This study explores the relation between text readability and the conceptual categories proposed in Prototype Theory. These categories form a hierarchy: Basic level words like guitar represent the objects humans interact with most readily. They are acquired by children earlier than their superordinate words (or hypernyms) like stringed instrument and their subordinate words (or hyponyms) like acoustic guitar. Therefore, the readability of a text is presumably associated with the ratio of basic level words it contains. WordNet, a network of meaningfully related words, provides the best online open source database for studying such lexical relations. Our preliminary studies show that a basic level word can be identified by its frequency to form compounds (e.g. chair→armchair) and the length difference from its hyponyms in average. We compared selected high school English textbook readings in terms of their basic level word ratios and their values calculated in several readability formulae. Basic level word ratios turned out to be the only one positively correlated with the text levels.
起訖頁 1-17
關鍵詞 ReadabilityOntologyPrototype TheoryWordNetBasic Level Word
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2008 (2008期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-下一篇 A Semantic Composition Method for Deriving Sense Representations of Determinative-Measure Compounds in E-HowNet




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