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Speech recognition of mandarin syllables using both linear predict coding cepstra and Mel frequency cepstra
Speech recognition of mandarin syllables using both linear predict coding cepstra and Mel frequency cepstra
作者 Tze Fen Li (Tze Fen Li)Shui-Ching Chang (Shui-Ching Chang)
This paper is to compare two most common features representing a speech word for speech recognition on the basis of accuracy, computation time, complexity and cost. The two features to represent a speech word are the linear predict coding cepstra (LPCC) and the Mel-frequency cepstrum coefficient (MFCC). The MFCC was shown to be more accurate than the LPCC in speech recognition using the dynamic time warping method. In this paper, the LPCC gives a recognition rate about 10% higher than the MFCC using the Bayes decision rule for classification and needs much less computational time to be extracted from speech signal waveform, i.e., the MFCC needs computational time 5.5 time as much as the LPCC does. The algorithm to compute a LPCC from a speech signal much simpler than a MFCC, which has many parameters to be adjusted to smooth the spectrum, performing a processing that is similar to be adjusted to smooth the spectrum, performing a processing that is similar to that executed by the human ear, but the LPCC is easily obtained by the least squares method using a set of recursive formula.
起訖頁 1-12
關鍵詞 Bayes decision rulelinear predict codingMel-frequency cepstrum coefficientsignal processingspeech recognition
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2007 (2007期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 基於階層架構資訊及關鍵詞語義擴展的階層式目錄整合研究
該期刊-下一篇 應用文件重排序與局部查詢擴展於中文文件檢索之研究




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