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An Analysis of Guo Xiang's Concept of Language and Method of Interpretation
作者 龔韻蘅
Guo Xiang 郭象, a metaphysician during the Wei and Jin dynasties, created a philosophical theory of absolute relativism, restating Zhuangzi's concept of spiritual freedom. This took the development of metaphysics to another level; and perhaps because of this, Guo Xiang's discoveries and new conceptions concerning language and thought have been given sparse attention, being often generalized into an overall theory, and thus, remaining unacknowledged and not considered as the groundwork of his philosophical method and interpretation. Hence, a study from the angles of the essence, law, patterns, and levels of language has yet to be realized on the subject matter. This paper intends to re-clarify the position and meaning that Guo Xiang has given to language. Aside from analyzing his views on symbols, phrases, and writings, as well as presenting this philosophy in a more focused and well-rounded manner, this article also hopes to further scrutinize Guo Xiang's mode of expression. By looking into his inner law of knowledge and seeking the associations in between, I hope to discover all the possibilities regarding the classical view of language. Meanwhile, this project also explores whether Guo Xiang could surpass his doubt for language, and proves that while agreeing that wang yan 忘言 (nothing needs to be said if you truly understand or released from the cage of language) was the approach to self-cultivation, he could still allow for the existence of classic literatures, which reveals that speech and silence were no longer contradictory within his ideological system.
起訖頁 19-55
關鍵詞 語言觀表述詮釋再現悖論view of languageexpressioninterpretationrepresentationparadox
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201909 (37:3期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 試論《詩》〈召南‧騶虞〉的安大簡異文及相關問題
該期刊-下一篇 心物之間──從朱得之《莊子通義》一書見明代陽明學與莊學互涉之意義




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