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Examining Teacher Identity Development: Translation Teachers in the University Context
作者 張中倩
教師認同在過去20年間持續受到重視,被當作主要研究框架。近年來,許多臺灣大專院校紛紛開設翻譯課程,對於翻譯教師的需求便增加了。由於翻譯高度重視實作經驗,不少大學延攬專業人才來擔任翻譯教師。但藍帆(Van Lankveld)、史夫納本(Schoonenboom)、沃爾曼(Volman)、格羅撒(Croiset)與百修森(Beishuizen)於2017年指出,大學教師因為身兼數個角色,要做好教學、研究,也要在個別領域專研,因此,大學教師的「自我認同發展」有別於小學、中學老師,由於翻譯教師的自我定位影響其教學,此類研究有其必要。「教師認同」可透過言辭表達(discourse)、實際教學(practice)來審視。本研究涵蓋12位專、兼任教師,透過瞭解他們所表達的教師認同定位、各自在教學場域(意即他們的實踐社區Community of Practice, CoP)中的教學實踐,以期初(觀察前)會談、課堂錄影、觀察後會談,來檢視他們的教師認同發展。期初會談資料顯示,資深教師定位多為技巧訓練者、專業內容教師,而資歷較淺的老師則認為其職責是把教材清楚呈現給學生、讓學生能夠吸收,意即傾向於語言教師,著重表達、溝通的角色。但老師課堂教學之定位則明顯分為「語言老師」、「翻譯教師」兩類,兩者在課堂作業、課堂時間分配、作業/活動之教師回饋方面,做法不同,「自我定位」、「教育背景」及「教導之學生族群」均影響了這些老師在這兩個角色定位間的身分認同。
Teacher identity has been a topic of interest for educators and researchers in the past two decades. In Taiwan, now that many universities have started offering more translation courses, the demand for recruiting translation teachers has increased. With an emphasis on field experience, quite a few universities have hired translation professionals to teach translation courses. However, Van Lankveld, Schoonenboom, Volman, Croiset, and Beishuizen (2017) have pointed out, “some aspects of teacher identity development might be different for university teachers since they have to combine the teaching role with other roles such as that of researcher or practitioner” (p. 326). Therefore, these teachers' perceptions regarding their capacity as translation teachers (their identities-in-discourse) and their classroom practices (their identitiesin-practice) warrant more attention. The former are often expressed through teachers' reflections on their role in classrooms, whereas the latter are often exemplified in teachers' delivery of instruction and their interaction with students. This study involved 12 part-time and full-time translation teachers. Trying to understand these teachers' identity development in practice (their managed CoPs), the study made use of preinterviews, taped session observations/analyses, and post-interviews in order to examine these teachers' self-expressed identities and their exhibited identities (through their instructional practices). The findings have indicated that as for their identitiesin-discourse, most of the experienced translation teachers take on the identity roles of a trainer of skills, a content teacher and a language teacher, whereas the novice teachers are more concerned with their identities as course material presenters and communicators. However, in their identities-in-practice, the participants demonstrated distinctive characteristics in conducting themselves as a language teacher or a translation teacher in the classroom, with different emphases on tasks/assignments, instructional time allotment, and feedback/revision. The main factors leading to such a difference lie in the teachers' beliefs as translation instructors, their educational backgrounds, and their target students.
起訖頁 127-171
關鍵詞 教師認同發展翻譯教師角色認同實踐社區teacher identity developmenttranslation teacher identitycommunity of practice (CoP)
刊名 編譯論叢  
期數 201909 (12:2期)
出版單位 國家教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 語言課堂上的口譯練習:中進英口譯策略訓練對於大學部英語學習者口語能力之影響
該期刊-下一篇 波西米亞意象?──臺灣與中國的捷克文學翻譯




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