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Mutual Corroboration between Illustration and Text: On the Source Text of Timothy Richard's English Translation of Xiyouji
作者 吳曉芳
一九一三年,英國傳教士李提摩太(Timothy Richard)將明代小說《西遊記》節譯為英文,題為《出使天國》(A Mission to Heaven),由其所主持的廣學會(The Christian Literature Society for China)在上海出版。該譯本是目前所見首個《西遊記》英文節譯本,近年來逐漸引起學界重視,研究成果相繼出現,集中討論譯者如何運用基督教的思想解讀《西遊記》。然而,研究者們對李提摩太採用的中文底本並沒有仔細考辨,對此長期存在錯誤的認識。本文借助檔案和古籍等資料,利用《西遊記》版本研究的最新成果,從譯本的插圖和文字兩方面對照原書的版本系統,考證出李提摩太使用的底本應為清末上海廣百宋齋校印的《繪圖增像西遊記》。同時,本文指出譯者對底本的選擇與他將小說原有的佛教元素基督教化的翻譯策略有密切關聯。李氏精心選取底本並改造從底本選取的插圖,令圖像敘事緊密配合文本敘事,以證明《西遊記》體現基督教「三位一體」的核心教義。
Xiyouji or Journey to the West, a Ming Dynasty novel, was partially translated into English under the title A Mission to Heaven in 1913 by Timothy Richard, a British missionary, and published in Shanghai by The Christian Literature Society for China, where Richard was serving as the general secretary. Being the first English abridgement of Xiyouji, this rendition has received growing academic attention in recent years and has inspired several interesting studies, which generally focus on how the translator applied the teachings of Christianity to the interpretation of the novel. However, there has been a misconception of the Chinese text Richard translated, as researchers did not carefully examine the source-text issue. By looking at archival materials, Chinese rare books, and the newest research results regarding the textual issues of Xiyouji, and by comparing the illustrations and the text proper of Richard's translation with various versions of the Chinese novel, this paper demonstrates that the source text of Richard's translation is Huitu Zengxiang Xiyouji (Xiyouji with Illustrations), published in the late Qing Dynasty by the Guangbaisong Zhai of Shanghai. The present study also points out that Richard's choice of the Chinese text is closely related to his translation strategy of Christianizing the Buddhist elements of the original Chinese narrative. He meticulously selected the source text and modified the original illustrations chosen to accompany his translation, making the revised illustrations more easily match the translated text in order to prove that Xiyouji contains the fundamental Christian doctrine of the Trinity.
起訖頁 1-44
關鍵詞 《西遊記》英譯李提摩太《出使天國》翻譯底本圖文互證English translation of XiyoujiTimothy RichardA Mission to Heavensource text of the translationmutual illustration-text corroboration
刊名 編譯論叢  
期數 201909 (12:2期)
出版單位 國家教育研究院
該期刊-下一篇 他者之聲:文本中的語言多樣性與重譯──以《金甲蟲》為例




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