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Kanawha County Textbooks Controversy Event in America
作者 鍾鴻銘
本文旨在探究1970年代發生於美國卡納瓦郡的教科書爭議事件,此一引起全國性關注的爭議事件,在美國課程史上具有重大意義。本文首先從地理、歷史、文化等因素,探究爆發卡納瓦郡教科書爭議的背景因素。主要爭議從1974年4月開始,至1975年年初風波才漸趨平息。爭議期間,發生家長不讓子女上學、勞工罷工聲援、暴力攻擊等事件,最後甚至引來特定政治團體的介入。此一事件從表面上看,可能涉及宗教、階級、種族等因素,但如細究之則可發現,其實涉及更深層的生活型態、價值觀的衝突。卡納瓦郡教科書爭議事件除使學生受教權益受到影響外,亦使教師因憚於引起紛爭,不願採用具爭議性的教科書及創新的教學法,同時使得美國教育氛圍漸趨保守。導致爭議的諸多問題,如教科書遴用委員會的代表性與運作、親師溝通、課程與政治利益團體的介入等問題,皆值得吾人進一步省思。 The purpose of this paper is to explore the textbook controversy that occurred in Kanawha County in the United States during the 1970s. This controversial event attracted national attention and is of great significance in the American curriculum history. The controversy in question began in April 1974 and lasted until early 1975. During the period of dispute, some parents did not allow their children to go to school, strikes and violent attacks occurred, and specific political groups were involved. On the surface, this incident may have resulted from factors relating to religion, class, and ethnicity. However, more thorough examination reveals deeper conflicts in lifestyles and values. In addition to affecting students' education rights, the Kanawha County textbook controversy also made teachers reluctant to adopt controversial textbooks and innovative teaching methods and made America's educational atmosphere more conservative. Many issues that have led to the controversy regarding Kanawha County textbooks- such as the representativeness and operation of the textbook selection committee, communication between parents and teachers, and the involvement of the curriculum and political interest groups-deserve Taiwanese educators' attention.
起訖頁 71-104
關鍵詞 卡納瓦郡教科書爭議課程史新右派新保守主義Kanawha Countytextbook controversycurriculum historynew rightneoconservatism
刊名 教科書研究  
期數 201908 (12:2期)
出版單位 國家教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 九年一貫課程國中社會教科書公民內涵之課程發展
該期刊-下一篇 素養導向的教科書發展與設計




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