中文摘要 |
This study is devoted to investigate the relationship between urban park connectivity and avianassemblages. The study areas were Wan-hua and Zhong-zheng in Taipei. The connectivity analysispresented here examined the connections among urban parks, green spaces, and boulevards. Theconnectivity was evaluated by α, β, and γ indices; these are statistical measures that are useful incalculating network efficiency. Birds were selected to be an indicator species. Information related to birdswere derived from the database of Wild Bird Society of Taipei. Many indices describing avian assemblagesare analyzed, included the number of species, the quantity of birds, richness index, Shannon diversityindex, evenness index, and dominance index. Pearson correlation analysis was used to examine therelationship between urban park connectivity and avian assemblages. Study results can be summarized intwo parts: 1. Avian assemblages were correlated with the connectivity of urban parks. 2. The connectivityhad significant correlations for increasing visitors’ species, richness index and evenness index. The studysuggested that establishing or maintaining linkage between urban parks is essential to facilitate ecologicalfunctions. |