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Exploitation of AVRDC's Chili Pepper (Capsicum spp.) Germplasm in India
作者 M.K. ReddyA. SrivastavaS.W. LinR. KumarH.C. ShiehA.W. EbertN. ChawdaS. Kumar
Chili pepper (Capsicum spp.) is an important commercial crop for smallholders in India, where C. annuum L. is the most widely cultivated species for its pungent (chili pepper) and non-pungent (sweet pepper) fruits. During 2012-13, India exported chili pepper and derived products worth about 410 million US $. Over the past 13 years (2001-2013), AVRDC–The World Vegetable Center has supplied more than 33000 pepper seed samples of its improved lines (81%) and germplasm accessions (19%) to both public and private institutions in more than 120 countries. India ranked first in terms of acquisition of pepper seed samples (5187) from AVRDC and accounted for 15.6% of the total samples distributed worldwide. The successful uses of supplied germplasm accessions and improved breeding lines in India is described, especially the release and commercialization of open pollinated (OP) and hybrid cultivars. Highly conservative estimates suggest that hybrids involving AVRDC germplasm and improved lines were cultivated on more than 30,000 ha during 2012-13 in different regions of India. 辣椒對印度的農民為很重要蔬果作物,番椒(辣椒與甜椒)在印度是種植面積最廣的作物。在2012-13年間,印度出口辣椒以及其相關製品產值約有4.1億美金。在過去的13年中,亞蔬-世界蔬菜中心已提供超過33,000個番椒試驗種原,包括改良品系(佔81%)和種原(19%)至世界各國120多個國家的公、私立單位,印度居最高種原申請國,共5187個番椒種子樣本,佔全球申請總樣本的15.6%,這些種原和改良自交品系成功被印度利用成為商業自交品種或雜交一代品種。在2012-2013年間,估計這些由亞蔬-世界蔬菜中心的種原和改良品系所育成的雜交一代品種,已在印度的各個不同地區種植,面積超過30,000ha。
起訖頁 1-9
關鍵詞 辣椒雜交一代種子公司hot pepperF1 hybridseed sector
刊名 臺灣園藝  
期數 201503 (61:1期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
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