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Effects of Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) Treatment on the Plant Growth and Fruit Pungency of 'Hungariana' Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)
作者 丁妮倫宋妤
盆栽‘奇雅’辣椒於開花後25、30及35天開始給予1%聚乙二醇(polyethylene glycol, PEG)進行缺水處理,在開花後40天(處理15、10或5天後)及50天(處理25、20或15天後)採收果實。結果植株地下部/地上部鮮重比以花後35天開始PEG處理者最高,但果實長寬比處理間差異不顯著。果實胎座比例最高的是花後40天採收的果實於花後35天開始PEG處理者以及花後50天採收的所有處理果實。果實內胎座的辣椒素濃度顯著高於果皮。花後50天的果實胎座內辣椒素含量濃度以花後30天開始PEG處理組最高。胎座Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase(PAL)活性高於果皮;花後50天的果實胎座以花後35天開始PEG處理者PAL活性最低;花後40天的果實則以花後35天開始處理者果皮與胎座之Cinnamicacid-4-hydroxylase(C4H)活性最高。花後35天開始PEG處理組,以花後50天的果實Capsaicinoid synthetase(CS)活性高於花後40天的果實。花後50天之果實胎座之peroxidase活性以花後25天開始PEG處理者顯著高於其他處理者。辣椒素含量則以花後30天開始PEG處理者較高。 Hungariana' pepper plants were grown in sand and gravel culture in pots, treated with 1% polyethylene glycol (PEG) beginning 25, 30 and 35 days after flowering (DAF), and their fruits harvested on 40 or 50 DAF. Plants treated with PEG 35 DAF had the highest ratio of root to shoot fresh weight. The fruit index was not significantly different among treatments. Fruits harvested on 40 DAF from plants treated with PEG 35 DAF and fruits harvested on 50 DAF from all PEG treatments had higher mass ratio of placenta. The fruit placenta had a higher capsaicin content than the pericarp. Fruits harvested on 50 DAF from plants treated with PEG 30 DAF had the highest capsaicin content among all treatments. The fruit placenta had a higher PAL activity than that in the pericarp. Among fruits harvested on 50 DAF, those treated with PEG 35 DAF had the lowest PAL activity in the placenta. The fruit harvested on 40 DAF from plants treated with PEG 35 DAF had a significantly higher C4H activity in the placenta and pericarp than that of other treatments. The activity of CS in the fruit harvested on 50 DAF was higher than that in the fruit harvested on 40 DAF. The placenta of the fruit of 50 DAF from plants treated with PEG 25 DAF had the highest peroxidase activity among all treatments. Peppers from PEG treatment 30 DAF had the highest capsaicin content.
起訖頁 43-54
關鍵詞 番椒聚乙二醇辣椒素pepperpolyethylene glycolcapaicin
刊名 臺灣園藝  
期數 200903 (55:1期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 紅龍果果實生長期間果實和肉質莖組成分之變化
該期刊-下一篇 非洲白蔘(Mondia whitei)揮發性香氣化合物之分析




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