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Influences of Cytokinins and Antibiotics on Shoot Regeneration of Chrysanthemum Cultivars
作者 陳文千林正宏王強生曹進義夏奇鈮
本研究以多種菊花栽培品種首先建立其無菌瓶苗培養,再利用瓶苗之葉片及葉柄為再生試驗培植體,以不同生長調節劑組合處理添加於培養基,測試各品種的再生反應。結果顯示品種間芽體再生能力差異顯著,同一品種之葉片或葉柄培植體再生率則無不同。之後應用再生反應較佳之大花栽培種‘黃秀芳’進行抗生素試驗,三種抗生素carbenicillin、cefotaxime及timentin的添加對葉柄培植體芽體之再生皆未產生明顯的抑制作用,其中200 mg/L timentin處理再生率最高。 The study tested the regeneration of various chrysanthemum cultivars by establishing its growth cultured in vitro, then use in vitro cultured petiole or leaf as regeneration explants. The different mix of plant growth regulator treatments were added at medium, and investigated for shoot regeneration. The results showed that regeneration ability varied among tested cultivars, however no difference shown on regeneration rate between leaf and petiole types of explants in the same cultivar. Later apply three antibiotics carbenicillin, cefotaxime and timentin with various concentrations to precede antibiotic test with the “Huang-Xiu-Fang” petiole explants of better regeneration. All three antibiotics had no obvious suppressing influence on shoot regeneration, and among them, the treatment of 200 mg/L timentin had highest regeneration rate.
起訖頁 119-126
關鍵詞 菊花器官再生植物生長調節劑抗生素Dendranthema grandifloraorganogenesisgrowth regulatorantibiotic
刊名 臺灣園藝  
期數 200703 (53:1期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 番茄栽培技術之改進
該期刊-下一篇 鄰里公園實質環境屬性與情緒體驗關係之研究




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