中文摘要 |
The antenna system of a ground station includes themechanical structure, RF module, multi-axis servo control, communication subsystem, monitoring control subsystem, linkanalysis, satellite orbit data and antenna pointing software andhardware. The purpose of the ground station maintenance is tokeep the antenna availability high enough to achieve the goal ofmission operations. NSPO has a lot of experience in the buildup, upgrade, operation and maintenance of a ground station, and accumulates a lot of technology in the ground antenna area.NSPO also cooperates with domestic industry and the academicinstitutes to develop the antenna controller, gear box, end-toendcommunication test system, and monitoring control systemto reduce the dependency on foreign technical supports. In2012, NSPO cooperates with domestic industry in the overhaulengineering of the antenna #1 of the Tainan station. The S-bandantenna feed will be upgraded to S/X dual-band feed to receiveboth the TT&C and X-band telemetry. Some domestic companieshave had experience in ground station engineering. VictoryMicrowave Corporation designs and manufactures the RF module.Teleport Access Services implements the ground antenna for geosynchronouscommunication satellites. NSPO will cooperate withthese companies to promote business developments on groundstations in foreign countries. |