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The Enlightenment, the Progresses of Life's upgrading and the Ways of Change of “the Book of Changes” -A Study on the Themes of Life Education in the Novel Film”The Peaceful Warrior”
作者 李德材
本文主要根據譚家哲《周易平解》,〈乾〉與〈蒙〉卦爻辭處境變化之道,分別以「上達之德」與「啟蒙之道」為主題架構,對小說電影《深夜加油站遇見蘇格拉底》進行細密的文本分析,與生命教育主題探究。就〈乾〉作為生命上達之德來說,其六爻之處境變化,分別對應了影片米爾曼德行上達歷程:(一)「初九:潛龍物用」對應「向內在尋找智慧之沉潛」。(二)「九二見龍在田」對應「專注、身心勞作之努力」。(三)「九三:君子終日乾乾,夕惕若,厲,無咎」對應「篤行實踐之艱難磨練」。(四)「九四:或躍在淵,?咎」對應「身心的深層轉換歷程」。(五)「九五:飛龍在天,利見大人」對應「和平戰士的重新啟動與使命」。(六)「上九:亢龍有悔。用九:群龍?首,吉」對應蘇格拉底「德位不一致與其德行主體無我之努力」。同時,作為啟蒙意義的〈蒙〉卦爻辭,其象徵意義也與蘇格拉底教導之道足以相互印證。) This article is based on Tan Jiazhe's“Zhou Yi Ping Jie”(周易平解) , the ways of change of “the Qian Hexagram”(乾卦) and “the Kun Hexagram” (坤卦) , whose symbolic implications are respectively“The progresses of life's upgrading” and “The enlightenment”. At the same time, by conducting a detailed cross-cultural analysis, interprets the themes of the novel film” Way of the Peaceful Warrior” The changes in the “six yao”(六爻) correspond to the upgrading progresses of Dan Millman, the leading actor of the film: (1) The first yao: “the dragon is lying in wait ” corresponds to “ the sinking of looking inwardly for wisdom. ”(2) The second yao: ” the dragon appears in the fields, it is dime for the great man to emerge from obscurity ” corresponds to Millman's “concentration, working hard of mind and body”.(3) The third yao: “the gentleman strives hard all day long, he is vigilant even at nighttime. by so doing, he will be safe in times of danger”, corresponds to “the hardship of practice.” of Millman.(4) The fourth yao: “the dragon wild either oar to the sky or remain in the deep, there is nothing to blame in either case” corresponds to the “deep transformation process of mind and body”. (5) The fifth yao: “the dragon is flying in the sky.it is time for the great man to come to the fore “ corresponds to “the re-launch and new missions for the peaceful warrior .”(6) the sixth yao: ” the dragon has soared to the zenith. it will regret sooner or later.”, and the use of Qian Hexagram : “none of the dragons claims to be the chief. it is a sign of good omen·” corresponds to Socrates “ the virtue of inconsistence and his efforts of virtues without ego.” At the same time, the enlightenment, the symbolic meanings of the Meng Hexagram(蒙卦) ,correspond to “the teachings of Socrates” each other.
起訖頁 63-82
關鍵詞 深夜加油站遇見蘇格拉底生命教育易經周易平解和平戰士Life EducationThe Book of ChangesZhou Yi Ping JiePeaceful Warrior
刊名 止善  
期數 201812 (25期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 周瘦鵑小說中的女性形象及其處境探析──以《禮拜六》為探討範圍
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣參與CPTPP之SWOT分析




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