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The Study of Female Images and Status in Zhou Shou-Juan's Novel-“Saturday” as the center
作者 紀俊龍 (Chun-Lung Chi)
周瘦鵑是民初文壇的重要作家,卻也一直是未被文學研究者全面觀照的作家。其受關注之處,大抵不脫與《禮拜六》、《紫羅蘭》等文學期刊的關係,或是翻譯小說之相關議題,抑或是被納編於「鴛鴦蝴蝶派」作家群的討論,導致其原創小說始終未受到應有的、全面的重視。因此,本文嘗試將研究視角集中於周氏發表於《禮拜六》期刊上的原創小說,期望透過深度詮解以探析其創作內涵。是以,本文將以「女性形象」為闡述視角,探尋周氏筆下「紅顏薄命的才德女性」、「企圖擺脫現實困頓的忠貞女性」與「義無反顧的自主女性」人物,分析其人物形象並探索其遭遇處境,以反映處境背後的文學意義,藉以掌握周瘦鵑小說創作的變化與關懷之情。結論得出周氏筆下的女性人物,從工筆典約的自怨自艾到深思明辨自己所處的困境,再到勇於突破傳統束縛、自主出走的形象變化,不僅說明周氏對於擺盪於中/西、傳統/現代思維進程中的女性處境觀察與思索,同時更透過不同形象之描摹鏤刻,表達其對女性處境與社會風潮改變之掌握與關切,凸顯周氏小說的文學價值。 Zhou Shou-Juan had been known for literati in the early Republic of China, but he hadn't been paid attention by literary researchers. He had been discussed the journal ''Saturday'' and ''Violet'', or his translated novels, or part of writers of Mandarin Duck and Butterfly School, cause that his original novels couldn't be valued. Therefore, this study tries focusing on Zhou Shou-Juan's original novels, expect to describe the aspect of his literary creation by deep interpretation. Thus, this study plans to use ''female images'' to find three kinds of characters in Zhou Shou-Juan's original novels: 1) a beautiful woman had an unfortunate life; 2) a devoted woman tried to free from difficult situation; 3) a independent woman who proceeded without hesitation. Trying to analyze female images and explore their situation, in order to find the literature meaning behind their situation, and master the change and care of Zhou Shou-Juan's Novel. In conclusion, the female characters in Zhou’s novel figure out from self-blame to deep thinking their difficult situation, further brave to break through the limit by tradition and independence of the image change. Not only explain the observation and reflection of female situation between East/West and tradition/modern thinking, but also tries to express his concern for female situation and social change by describing different images, in order to make literal value of Zhou’s novel.
起訖頁 33-61
關鍵詞 周瘦鵑鴛鴦蝴蝶派女性形象民初小說禮拜六Zhou Shou-JuanMandarin Duck and Butterfly SchoolFemale imagesNovels in The Early Republic of China”Saturday?
刊名 止善  
期數 201812 (25期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 崇師報本碑──中國紡織技藝在越南的傳授
該期刊-下一篇 生命之啟蒙、上達歷程與《易經》變化之道──小說電影《深夜加油站遇見蘇格拉底》之生命教育主題研究




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