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Stele to Commemorate and Requite the Masters - The Teaching of Chinese Textile Technology in Vietnam
作者 耿慧玲
本文透過河內慈廉縣所保存的三通「崇師報本碑」形制與內容的研究,說明中國紡織技藝在越南傳授的一個縮影。三通碑誌中有兩通樹立於慈廉縣綺羅社的文址,另一通則存留於羅溪社的野庵中,樹立於文址與「野庵」,其空間的意涵自然不同,但也基本說明了「崇師報本碑」的刊立與後黎朝出現的「立後」習俗有密切的關連。亦即綺羅、羅內與羅溪社對於傳授紡織本業的「北國諸先生」給予身後定期的祭祀,表彰他們對於社坊的貢獻。碑誌刊立的時間跨越七十餘載,由不同時期碑誌的形制、刊立者的身份及祭祀的儀式,可以看出對於「北國諸先生」的崇祀,係由最初各坊合約式的祭祀方式,逐漸成為慈廉縣官方的、正式的定期祭祀,顯示對於「北國諸先生」的崇敬,不僅未因時間的久遠而消散,反而更加重視。也彰顯出紡織技藝的傳授對於當地經濟、甚至社會的重要性。由碑誌中所出現的「綺羅」「烏紗」「織紉」「綾羅」及同時期文獻中對於慈廉全縣物產中有關紡織成品之「南紬」「南剪絨」「南綾」的分佈,可以看出在後黎朝慈廉縣的紡織已經形成專業化的分工,這些對於慈廉縣的經濟發展顯然產生重要的作用。慈廉的自然環境自古以來即適於蠶桑,但由三通「崇師報本碑」的刊立也可以瞭解,在人文歷史的發展過程中所形成對「儒科」的重視,或許是「北國諸先生」得以傳授紡織技藝的另一重要條件。 This paper studies the form and content of three stelai titled ''Stele to commemorate and requite the masters,'' found in T? Li?m County of Hanoi, and how these stelai inform us about the transmission of the Chinese textile industry to Vietnam. Two of the stelai stands in the local literati sanctuary, while another is in a rural shrine. The significance of the findspots are naturally different and explains how the stelai for commemoration and requital of masters are intimately connected with post-mortem worship of ''masters from the north'' who transferred knowledge of the textile industry to the local communes. The three stelai are chronologically spread across 70 years, with different appearances in the shape and form of the stelai, as well as the status of the commissioners and the method of worship. The observable pattern is that the worship of the masters from the north began contractually at local communes, but gradually evolved into the periodic and official liturgy of the county government. This process indicates that the perceived importance of worshipping masters from the north increased with time. Also, the pattern of intensified worship also suggests the significant impact of the technology transfer of the textile industry has on local economies and societies. When comparing the textile related terms in the inscriptions with the distribution of products that the county was known to have produced, one sees a pattern in which the Later L? Dynasty has already attained a proficient distribution of labor, and has an apparent effect on the economic development of the region. The natural environment of T? Li?m County has been conducive to the silk industry, but the publication of the three stelai commemorating masters indicate that Vietnam's long-term emphasis on the Confucian system of knowledge may have also been conducive to the technology transfer of the textile industries by ''masters from the north.''
起訖頁 3-32
關鍵詞 越南紡織北國立後碑誌Vietnamtextilenortherncountrylihouepigraphy
刊名 止善  
期數 201812 (25期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-下一篇 周瘦鵑小說中的女性形象及其處境探析──以《禮拜六》為探討範圍




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