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The Analysis of Taiwan’s Participation in CPTPP: From the Perspective of SWOT
作者 劉重廸
近年來,由於全球興起一股簽訂區域貿易協定的風潮,而我國卻被排除在所有雙邊或多邊經貿合作之外,不僅對我國出口貿易造成嚴重的衝擊與影響,更讓我國經濟有被邊緣化的危機。加上,又臺灣是個以出口導向為主的經濟體,所以任何國際經濟情勢的變化皆會為我國經濟發展帶來深遠的影響。因此,本文透過SWOT分析我國參與CPTPP的優勢、劣勢、機會與威脅,研究發現我國擁有良好經貿能力這一優勢;存在著高標準要求、衝擊國內產業以及農業威脅等三項劣勢;具有分散對中國大陸的經貿依賴風險、強調包容性以及日本扮演主導角色等三項機會;最後則會面臨日本核災區食品進口爭議、中國大陸因素以及談判複雜度高等三項威脅。 As the global wave of establishing regional trade agreements continue in recent years, the fact that Taiwan is excluded from both bilateral and multilateral trade agreements not only severely hurt the country’s international trade, but also engender the potential crisis of economic marginalization. The fact that Taiwan boasts an export oriented economy makes it sensitive to changes in the international economy. Through SWOT analysis, this article attempts to analyze the advantage, disadvantage, opportunity and challenge of Taiwan’s participation in the CPTPP. This study finds that Taiwan has the advantage of good economic standing while being burdened by the demand of high standard, stagnated domestic industry and agricultural challenges. The opportunities Taiwan boasts are its ability to lower the risk of economic dependence on China, emphasis on accommodation, and good relationship with Japan. Finally, Taiwan face the challenges of contaminated food imports from Japan, the China factor and complications in trade negotiations.
起訖頁 83-109
關鍵詞 SWOT臺灣區域經濟整合跨太平洋夥伴全面進步協定TaiwanSWOTRegional Economic IntegrationCPTPP
刊名 止善  
期數 201812 (25期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學通識教育中心
該期刊-上一篇 生命之啟蒙、上達歷程與《易經》變化之道──小說電影《深夜加油站遇見蘇格拉底》之生命教育主題研究
該期刊-下一篇 以灰聚類分析影響校園藝文公益活動舉辦因素之研究──以「留香餘韻愛在朝陽」義賣為例




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