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A Legal Perspective of Long Term Caring Act (Draft)
作者 昝大偉張婷 (Ting Chang)盧素璧
本文探討長期照護服務法草案須針對性別平等落實實質保障,且針對慢性精神病患者須以多重量表進行偵測,以確保量表之穩定度與準確性。為貫徹消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約施行法之立法精神,本文呼籲在長期照護服務法實行前夕,執法機構在具體操作判斷是否屬身心失能者之認定標準上,ADLs與IADLs量表需考量男女性別因生心理不同所衍生之社會生活功能角色不同而審慎予以操作,應考慮男女角色差異之背景因素,在量表操作上需慎之又慎。再者,以職場環境而言,從事長照人員以女性從業者居多,工作環境權益保障亦須落實性別平等。其次,針對慢性精神病患者此種身心障礙別,由於其對自身、家庭與社會影響甚鉅。本文認為目前以多重量表可增加偵測出慢性精神病患者之穩定度與準確性,且應在傳統量表上參考2012年7月WHO甫頒布之ICF增加環境因素此一外在客觀因素之考量,以更周延。 The protection of gender equality should be implemented in the long term care and service act. Besides, multiple scales should be used simultaneously to differentiate chronic psychiatric patients. Thus, scales' stability and accuracy can be assured. To implement the spirit of Enforcement Act of Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, institutions judge whether physical and mental disability, ADLs and IADLs should consider gender differences based on physical, mental, and social functions, especially when the long term care and service act is going to enforce. Furthermore, in terms of occupational environment, female practitioners dominate long term care market; working environment should enforce gender equality. Besides, chronic psychiatric patients have great influence on themselves, family, and society. Multiple scales can increase the stability and accuracy in terms of making decisions on being chronic psychiatric patients or not. Traditional scales should take ICF into consideration, which increase an additional environment factor on July 2012 issued by WHO.
起訖頁 163-174
關鍵詞 長期照護服務法草案Long term care and service actADLsIADLsICFCEDAW
刊名 嶺東財經法學  
期數 201212 (5期)
出版單位 嶺東科技大學財經法律所
該期刊-上一篇 著作公開發表相關問題探討──以事實上及著作人死後之公開發表為主
該期刊-下一篇 論法律正義與司法權之政治權力運作關聯性




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