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The Analysis of the Relationship of Legal Justice and the Operation of the Judicial Power
作者 呂宗麟
一個法律系統與權利的保障是相關聯的,因此,很明顯地,法律必須使用正義一詞來描述整個法律的運作;當然,這並不意味著任何事物只要進入法律的審判,就必須稱之為正義;我們仍然可以從道德的或法律的觀點來批判之,法律如果違背道德上的正義觀念,我們就可以稱之為不正義;而法律的執行(不論一條特定的法律適用到那一個案例,在道德上是否符合正義與否),如果違背法律系統在程序上所要求的公平標準,就可批評為不正義;換言之,正義的觀念,在法律的想法與普遍的社會秩序相關,破壞秩序就是破壞法律正義。但是,為論如何,法律正義這個概念也用在對有關政治權力運作上特別是有關司法權執行上的思考,其實,法律在政治權力運作的規範形式上,實代表某一時期的正義觀念,也就是公平的概念,不論政治或權力的運作或法律的規範形式,茍能真正的代表正義,就是達到了社會生活的最高目的,否則,就沒有存在的價值,由法律表現出的正義觀念,一般稱之為法律正義,具體地說,法律正義往往要靠政治權力的運作加以維持,這正是法律正義與政治權力運作中頗值得深思的議題,在本文中筆者嘗試解析法律正義的內涵,以及其與政治權力運作中司法權的關連性。 A legal system and the protection of the rights are connected; obviously, the law must use “justice" to describe the operation of law. However, this does not mean justice is equals to the court house and trial, and we can still criticize it on the moral or legal level. If the law enforcement violate of the legal system and out of standard, it can be criticized as unjust. In other words, the concept of justice is related with the idea of the law related to the prevailing social order, destruction of the order is to vandalize justice. However, the concept of legal justice used in political power, especially on the implementation of the judicial power, In fact, the legal norm in the exercise of political power, formally, the real conception of justice represents a period that is fair concept. Regardless of the political or power operation or canonical form of the law, if it can represent justice, it can achieve the highest goal of social life; otherwise, there is no value of existence, and that is the basic concept of justice demonstrated by law-commonly known as law and justice. Specifically, the law and justice depends on the operation of political power to be maintained, which is quite worth pondering issues on legal justice and the exercise of political power, and this is also the author attempts to explain in this article.
起訖頁 175-195
關鍵詞 法律正義法治原則司法權政治權力law and justicethe principle of the rule of lawjudicial powerpolitical power
刊名 嶺東財經法學  
期數 201212 (5期)
出版單位 嶺東科技大學財經法律所
該期刊-上一篇 長期照護服務法草案之法律面評析




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