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Issues for the Right to Publicly Release the Work–in Fact the Publicly Released and to Publicly Release the Work After an Author Has Died
作者 黃峰榮
著作之公開發表行為,除關係到著作人權能的發生,以及著作財產權存續期間之認定外,更涉及著作財產權經濟效能之發揮,與社會大眾合理使用該著作之權益。著作權法對於著作人之認定採推定方式,而對於專屬於著作人之公開發表權行使,除其本人親自行使或授權同意他人行使外,為著作之流通與利用考量,亦有推定或視為著作人同意公開發表之權利人,得為合法之公開發表。此乃著作之完成與公開發表均係事實行為,他人難以確知其真實與否,為流通與交易方便,不得不採取之權變制度,當事人如對此事實有所爭議時,再循嚴謹之司法程序尋求裁判解決,以節省社會成本。因此,有關著作之公開發表,必有權利人認定上之問題存在。當著作可能由非由權利人合法所為,卻使著作有公開發表之事實,因而發生大眾利用「事實上之公開發表之著作」之問題。又公開發表權係著作人格權之一種,不得繼承,如著作人生前未及將著作公開發表,死後其繼承人或取得著作財產權人是否得為公開發表,頗值得探討。本文認為我國著作權法將公開發表權納為著作人格權之一,又採著作人格權永久存在及保護之立法方式,對於衍生之相關問題無法作合理之規範,建議以修法方式,將公開發表權自著作人格權中刪除,抑或揚棄著作人格權永久存在之觀念,讓其存在與著作財產權之存續期間相同,以平衡與調和著作人之權益及社會公共之利益,讓著作流通,以臻促進國家文化發展之目的。 The behavior to publicly release the work is not only relates to the copyright and the term of protection for economic rights, but also to everybody. Because it is difficultly to know who creates a work and publicly release the works, be presumed to or deemed to who is an author or the rights holder by copyright act. So, on the issues for works publicly release, it must be exist the problem about to identify who is the rights holders. Following above problem of the rights holders identifying, to use the “In fact the publicly released” work. when the work may be have been publicly released by non-legally rights holders in the facts, causing the problem of tort legally that to use the works within a reasonable scope. The right to publicly release the work is a kind of right of the moral rights, just belong exclusively to the author and shall not be transferred or succeeded. If the work is not publicly released, but the author has died. Whether the work can be publicly released by anybody, is also an importance problem. It is difficultly to solve these problem. For balancing different interests for the common good of society, and promoting the development of national culture. This paper proposed to amend the copyright act, the right to publicly release removed from the moral rights or tight the term of existence for moral rights, just the same term of protection for economic rights.
起訖頁 142-162
關鍵詞 著作人著作人格權公開發表公開發表權事實上之公開發表The authors' moral rightsPublic releaseThe right to publicly release the workIn fact the publicly released
刊名 嶺東財經法學  
期數 201212 (5期)
出版單位 嶺東科技大學財經法律所
該期刊-上一篇 從美加趨勢論著作權法中合理使用之適用
該期刊-下一篇 長期照護服務法草案之法律面評析




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