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Review and Prospect of Taiwan History Studies in Mainland China from 2009 to 2017: General Research and Pre-modern Era
作者 陳忠純
近十年來,大陸的臺灣史研究(通論及近代以前部分)無論在廣度或深度均有長足的發展。尤為突出的是清代臺灣史,無論各類資料整理或是學術著述,均有頗為豐厚的成果。其中,政治史、社會史、文化史受到學界的重視,相較而言,經濟史研究的熱度有所降低。值得注意的是,大陸學者對原住民研究興趣較之以往更加濃厚,顯示大陸臺灣史研究日趨多元且深入。當然,通過論文統計還可看出兩岸關係史研究所佔比例較高,其原因除了特定時代促使大陸學者重視研究和重現兩岸的歷史聯繫,也有大陸學者所擁有的文獻資料等研究條件更利於從事相關主題的研究。大陸地區的文獻資料整理與學術研究顯示了良好的互動效應。前者為學術研究提供了便利的條件,有助於推動學術研究的發展深入,而學術研究的進步,也進一步刺激文獻資料搜集整理的加強完備。無論是官方的檔案文獻,還是民間的契約文書,都有不少的成果。此外,兩岸學者學術交流的成果也不斷增多。 Over the past decade, research on Taiwan history in mainland China (general research and the pre-modern era) has made great progress in both breadth and depth. Particularly prominent is the study of Qing Taiwan history, with significant achievements in data collation and academic publications. Among the various fields, political history, social history and cultural history have aroused much research interest, while studies on economic history are less popular. It is worth noting that the mainland scholars are more interested in the study of aborigines than before, revealing the growth in diversity and depth of Taiwan history research in mainland China. Moreover, statistics on publications also indicates higher proportion of historical studies on cross-strait relations. Such dominance in research can be attributed to greater emphasis of mainland scholars on reconstruction of cross-strait historical ties of specific eras and availability of literature and archived documents conducive to related studies. Interaction between compilation of historical documents and academic research in mainland China has proved to be mutually beneficial. On one hand, systemic compilation of historical documents collected facilitates in-depth research; on the other hand, academic research promotes further collation and organization of historical documents. Fruits of such interaction have been seen in compilation of public-sector archives and civil contracts as well as increasing achievements as a result of cross-strait academic exchanges.
起訖頁 163-196
關鍵詞 大陸臺灣史研究通論近代以前論文專著史料彙編Taiwan History Studies in Mainland ChinaChina General ResearchPremodern PartJournal PaperMonographCompilation of Historical Documents
刊名 臺灣史研究  
期數 201812 (25:4期)
出版單位 中央研究院臺灣史研究所
該期刊-上一篇 貌合神離之兩岸關係:戰爭前夕福建與臺灣的經建與農業調查之交流(1934-1937)
該期刊-下一篇 近年來大陸地區日據及光復初期臺灣史研究述評




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