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Review of Recent Mainland Chinese Research on Taiwan History during Japanese Colonial Era and Early Retrocession Period
作者 陳小沖
近年來大陸地區日據及光復初期臺灣史研究方興未艾,無論是政治史、經濟史、文化教育史、文學史、原住民史乃至歷史人物等等研究的推陳出新,還是相關史料的發掘、整理與出版,均呈現了前所未有的繁榮景象,參與此時期臺灣史研究學者人數眾多,但仍以廈門大學臺灣研究院與中國社會科學院臺灣史研究中心並峙為重鎮。儘管一定程度上存在觀點的分歧,與臺灣學界的學術交流仍然廣泛開展。不過,在研究領域與研究典範上,交叉學科研究偏少,對日據時期殖民地與宗主國日本間的關係研究較薄弱,外文資料運用與田野調查相對不足等等,均為大陸臺灣史研究界有待補強的弱項。 In recent years, research on Taiwan history during the Japanese colonial era and early retrocession period has been growing in mainland China. Related studies on political history, economic history, cultural and educational history, literature history, aboriginal history and historical figures, as well as the discovery, organization, and publication of related archives and historical materials have also flourished. While numerous mainland Chinese scholars are engaged in Taiwan history research of these two periods, the Graduate Institute for Taiwan Studies at Xiamen University and the Institute of Taiwan Studies at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences remain the two leading institutes in this research field. Despite of differences in opinion, there has been extensive cross-strait academic exchange. Nevertheless, in terms of research field and paradigm, few interdisciplinary studies, little research on relationships between the colonies and their colonizer Japan, adequate use of historical materials in foreign languages, and scant field studies are drawbacks and limitations to be overcome by mainland Chinese academics.
起訖頁 197-238
關鍵詞 大陸地區臺灣史研究日據時期光復初期Mainland ChinaTaiwan History ResearchJapanese Colonial EraEarly Retrocession Period
刊名 臺灣史研究  
期數 201812 (25:4期)
出版單位 中央研究院臺灣史研究所
該期刊-上一篇 2009-2017年間大陸臺灣史研究的回顧與展望:通論及近代以前部分




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