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Dubious Cross-Strait Relations: Exchange on Economic Development and Agricultural Investigation between Fujian and Taiwan (1934-1937)
作者 林文凱
有關日治時期臺灣與福建關係的研究,過去研究主要集中在臺灣總督府南進政策推展與臺灣籍民的活動等研究議題,並獲致豐碩成果,本文則擬探究學界較少關注的1934-1937年間兩岸經濟建設與農業調查活動的「學知交流」。本文發現陳儀1934年初就任福建省主席後,福建與臺灣之間官方互動日益頻繁,雙方推動了一系列的經濟建設與農業調查活動之交流,包括三次福建官方大規模的臺灣經建與農業考察活動,還有臺灣總督府農政與水利專家到福建各地的經建視察與農業技術指導活動。本文將指出這一系列交流活動,與福建官方的經建學臺灣政策以及臺灣總督府的南進政策之間的複雜關聯,分析這一合作交流背後臺灣總督府與福建省政府的不同意圖,並討論過去學界所忽略的,這一交流對於1934年以來福建省政,尤其農政近代化建設的意義。 Previous research on the relationship between Taiwan and Fujian during the Japanese colonial era focused mainly on the evolution of Taiwan Government-General's southern expansion policy and the activities of Taiwanese in Fujian. In contrast, this article explores the exchange activities on economic planning and development as well as agricultural investigation between Fujian and Taiwan during 1934-1937, a topic which has received little academic attention. The present study found that after Chen Yi became the governor of Fujian province in 1934, official interactions between Fujian and Taiwan became increasingly frequent. A series of exchange activities related to economic planning and development as well as agricultural investigation were conducted. Officials from Fujian carried out three large-scale investigations on Taiwan's economic and agricultural development; while experts of agricultural administration and water conservancy were sent by the Taiwan Government-General to Fujian for inspection on economic development and consultation on agricultural technology. This article highlights the complex relationships of these exchange activities with Fujian's policy of emulating economic planning and development of Taiwan, as well as Taiwan's southern expansion policy. Moreover, it further analyzes the different intentions of the Taiwan Government-General and Fujian Provincial Government behind the cooperation and exchanges. Furthermore, it discusses the significance of these exchanges on the modernization of Fujian Provincial Government administration especially its agrarian reform, another issue that has been overlooked by the academic circles.
起訖頁 119-162
關鍵詞 經建學臺灣農業調查學知交流南進政策福建省近代化Learning from Taiwanese Economic DevelopmentAgricultural InvestigationExchange of KnowledgeSouthern Expansion PolicyFujian's Administrative Modernization
刊名 臺灣史研究  
期數 201812 (25:4期)
出版單位 中央研究院臺灣史研究所
該期刊-上一篇 在帝國醫學與殖民醫學的夾縫之中:日治時期臺灣人腳氣病問題
該期刊-下一篇 2009-2017年間大陸臺灣史研究的回顧與展望:通論及近代以前部分




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