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The First Licensed Doctor of Chinese Medicine in Taiwan during the Japanese Colonial period, Dr. Yu Jie Huang
作者 殷揚智林昭庚
黃玉階醫師歷經清朝與日治時期,是台灣第一位漢醫師,也是日本殖民政府最尊重的台灣人之一。他一生不汲汲營營於自己的功名富貴,而是以精湛的醫術救治黎民百姓,以悲天憫人的胸懷奔走調停避免戰禍,以科學的精神倡導放足與斷髮的運動,以佛教悲天憫人的胸懷宣教導善社會風氣,以寬恕仁愛的心胸教誨獄中囚徒。用他的專業與仁愛積極的參與社會公益與慈善事業,在那個殖民政府以西醫為主,忽略中醫理論與醫方的年代,用他的醫學素養讓傳統中醫醫學能繼續在台灣發揚光大。 Dr. Yu Jie Huang, the first doctor of Chinese medicine in Taiwan and one of the Taiwan people with the most respect from Japan colonial government, had gone through the Chin Dynasty and the Japan-governed period. He did not pursue success nor wealth, but remedied the common people with his masterly medical skills throughout his whole life. He rushed about negotiating to avoid battles with his compassion mind. He advocated anti-foot binding and queue-cutting movement with scientific spirit. He guided and improved the social values by the compassion mind of Buddhism and instructed the prisoners with forgiveness and mercy. He actively participated social services and the charities with his specialty and mercy. In the era that the colonial government respected the western medicine but ignored Chinese medicine theory and medical prescription, he had enhanced and glorified the traditional Chinese medicine science in Taiwan.
起訖頁 19-34
關鍵詞 漢醫鼠疫放足斷髮總督府Chinese medicine, PlagueAnti-foot bindingCutting-queueOffice of the Governor-General
刊名 臺灣中醫醫學雜誌  
期數 201809 (16:2期)
出版單位 中華民國中醫師公會全國聯合會
該期刊-上一篇 以臺灣視野回顧國際東洋醫學會創會42週年
該期刊-下一篇 從經典探討《黃帝內經》中「飧泄」名詞意義及溯源初探




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