中文摘要 |
半總統制(Semi-presidentialism)的概念是由法國政治學者杜瓦傑(M. Duverger)於1978年所提出,為杜瓦傑觀察全球各類型政府體制之後所提出的概念,而半總統制既非總統制或內閣制的變體,也非搖擺在內閣制或總統制之間某種界限不明的憲政體制,但卻擁有內閣制與總統制的兩個核心特徵的新型制度;因此在這樣的特性下,使得半總統制與總統制、內閣制在本質上有了差異。一、本文將以台法兩國在總統與國會選制如何塑造不同的政府型態,因此不同的政府型態會展現出不同的政治效應;導致法國國會選制和政黨體系將偏向「總理總統制」運作,我國的選舉方式和政黨體系則形塑為「總統議會制」運作。二、法國在憲政體系與選舉方式的運作之下,將形成「一致政府與聯合政府」及「分立政府且聯合政府」模式;相反台灣則未呈現「換軌」結果,且呈現「一致政府一黨內閣」及「分立政府且少數內閣」政府型態。三、法國在2002年和我國在2005年分別進行大規模的選舉制度的改變,兩國試圖將國會與總統的選舉時程調整為同一年舉辦,呈現國會、總統與閣揆都為同一政黨主政局面。但是因為兩國半總統制類型的差異,一旦總統國會多數呈現不一致的局面,未來的憲政運作還是會呈現很大的差異與實踐。
This study explores that concept of semi-presidentialism which was put forward in 1978 by French political scholar M. Duverger after observing various types of government systems around the world. And semi-presidentialism is neither The variation of the presidential system or the cabinet system is not a certain unknown constitutional system swinging between the cabinet system or the presidential system but a new system that includes the two core features of the cabinet system and the presidential system. The political party system of France shaped its constitutional system into premier presidentialism, while Taiwan's was shaped into president pariamentarism. Our approach generated the following findings Our approach generated the following findings. First, while Taiwan and France appear to have a similar party system, due to the difference in party solidarity, France's parliamentary electoral system and political party system shaped its president parliamentarism. Second, in France before the president's term in office was changed to five years in 2002, the presidential and parliamentary electoral systems formed a multi-party, two-bloc system in the parliament; in Taiwan before the reform of the legislative electoral system in 2005, the presidential and parliamentary electoral systems also formed a similar party system in the parliament. Third, after France's reforms in 2002 and Taiwan's reforms in 2005, their models of constitutional operation gradually became similar, with the president acting as the major leader. |