英文摘要 |
Graded Chinese character lists, word lists, grammatical points lists and language proficiency indicators form a standards system, which is usually adopted to evaluate the effectiveness of reading and learning of Mandarin Chinese. As there is not a localized Chinese character list available and Chinese character lists used overseas cannot represent the actual usage of Taiwanese, in this paper, we propose a methodology of constructing a graded Chinese character list for L2 learners. First, we discuss methodological issues concerning word lists and character lists and their applications in different contexts. Second, we point out the factors that influence the construction of character lists, including statistical factors and expert-based factors, and then describe our building database procedures in details. Finally, for convenience of application, the result of the graded character list is arranged according to three types of categories: frequency, semantics, and the written/spoken corpus character ratio. The study concludes that the reason for our character list to be able to achieve the best performance of corpus coverage is because the list is objective, reproducible, localized, and as such it meets the needs of second language learners. (本文於2020.03重新修訂) |